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Frequently Asked Questions

How is cats at large different?

Cats At Large is a Targeted TNR organization. We use data reports from local shelters and animal control to strategically plan and schedule trapping projects throughout the Milwaukee area to maximize the impact of our sterilization efforts and more effectively manage the community cat population. We also make TNR accessible for community members by renting Community DIY TNR Kits, providing training, and arranging for spay and neuter appointments at an affordable rate.


Will you Come Pick up a Stray Cat from my House?

Maybe. If your home is in one of the zip codes that has an active targeted trapping operation, we would love to connect with you about trapping cats at your location. We do not offer emergency trapping services. If you are outside our targeted trapping area, please read about our Community DIY TNR Kits here.


What Should I do if I find Kittens?

If you find kittens that are less than 6 weeks of age under a shed or porch, in a woodpile, or under bushes on your property, they are likely being well cared for by their mother. Mother cats will often leave their babies in a safe place to go out and hunt for food. On rare occasions, a mother may be injured or killed and unable to return to nurse her kittens. Keep an eye on the nest from a distance, and if the mother does not return within 8-12 hours, please contact us for assistance.
If you find a very young kitten by itself out in the open, please keep the kitten warm and contact us for assistance.

If you find older kittens who are leaving the nest by themselves and are eating solid food, please request a Community DIY TNR Kit.


is cats at large no-kill?

Cats at Large utilizes humane euthanasia when it is the most compassionate choice. We adhere to the recommendations of the trusted veterinarians who treat our cats in cases of severe illness or injury, or when a cat is a danger to itself or others. We do not euthanize cats due to space constraints.

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